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Belgium (1/2) - Visions for a new kind of European Mobility

von Next-Normal | Episode 03

In this third episode of „NextNormal – WeStudy@Home“, which is also the first of two episodes with students from Belgium, we talk to Jens Matthé, Laura Remery and Ruben Janssens of VVS, the Flemish Union of Students. They are sharing perspectives and visions for a new kind of European mobility as well as on the need for student support – and the role of student participation in discussing the future of higher education.

What  is the “NextNormal” of European student life? There will be a time after  the Corona shutdown, and we want to discuss what it should look like.  How can we learn from the digital turn in order to create a better  future for higher education? In our podcast, we are talking to students  and student unions from all over Europe about the “NextNormal” – the  future of higher education beyond Corona. Each episode is dedicated to  one European country. “NextNormal – WeStudy@Home” is a podcast produced  by the NextEducation working group at DHBW Karlsruhe and strongly  supported by ESU.