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Romania - Challenges of Mobility and Digitalization in rural areas

von Next-Normal | Episode 01

Slovenia - From Lockdown Chaos to Digitalization through Solidarity

von Next-Normal | Episode 02

Belgium (1/2) - Visions for a new kind of European Mobility

von Next-Normal | Episode 03

Belgium (2/2) - Feeling disconnected from University: the students' view

von Next-Normal | Episode 04

Finland - Challenges in a country that has embraced online learning before the shutdown

von Next-Normal | Episode 05

Italy - The importance of Digital Literacy across generations

von Next-Normal | Episode 06

Malta (1/2) - How the Virus affects Students in a small Country

von Next-Normal | Episode 07

Malta (2/2) - Mental health as a Foundation for Future Higher Education

von Next-Normal | Episode 08

Austria - 2021: A year full of questions, hopes and optimism in Higher Education and beyond

von Next-Normal | Episode 09

Croatia - From efficient Teaching to good quality Teaching

von Next-Normal | Episode 10

Spain - Physical, virtual, inclusive: Mobility concepts for the future

von Next-Normal | Episode 11

Czech Republic - Emergency, Erasmus and Education: new ways of learning

von Next-Normal | Episode 12

The Netherlands - Student Wellbeing, Mental Health and International Students

von Next-Normal | Episode 13

Germany - Taking Stock and Envisioning the Future of Higher Education

von Next-Normal | Episode 14